About Me

The Synopsis

Cape Cod, MA
I'm a small town/country girl who grew up in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts; for the most part. My family didn’t move there until I was seven, but I’m Cape Coder. It’s in my genes. Other than that I work for a small bio-tech company in quality. I married a wonderful man with whom I’ve had two beautiful children. They are my bane, my joy, and sometimes, my inspiration. Creating is what I love to do most; be it stories, Halloween costumes, or my much sought after Cranberry Sauce (the secret is in the family bogs on the Cape).

The Dissertation

My father was the son of missionaries. His parents founded a church down in Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay, which is where my dad was born and raised. He arrived in the United States to live when he was 15. So, while his genes are North American, his culture is South America.

My mother was the daughter of a mechanic and nurse. She was the eldest of the fourth generation to grow up in the family homestead in Cotuit, Massachusetts. She finally managed to escape Cape Cod (and her six brothers) by going across the country to attend college. But no other part of the country can capture her heart and she’s a Swamp Yankee to the bone.
The Homestead where my Mom grew up.
(picture taken in 2011)
Needless to say, there’s a culture difference between my parents and that, along with a few other things meant that divorce was inevitable. Thankfully, I managed to be born before things fell apart.

I was born in New Hampshire, while my dad was still with the Air Force. Soon after we moved to Maine and there I spent an idyllic childhood until the age of about 3. At that time the military up and moved us down to Mississippi. My childhood was still pretty ideal. I had friends, a good school and then opps, we’re moving again. This time my Dad traded in his Air Force wings for a Pilot’s license, and transferred over to the National Guard.

For one whole year I got to live in the house my mom grew up in, complete with Nellie, the ghost of the woman who paid to have the house built. I never saw her, but she turned the TV off on us once. While we were there my Dad got his job with one of the Cape Cod airlines and we moved into our very own house. And that’s where I stay until college. I must have missed the military moving though. I changed rooms three times in ten years. Pretty good for a two bedroom one bathroom house, with finished attic and not quite finished basement.
The house I grew up in. Boy has that tree grown!
(picture taken in 2010)

Unfortunately along with the home life that was disrupted by a separation and divorce, I was also at the bottom of the rung in school. Maybe not the lowest rung, but I was picked on. Having glasses and then getting braces in 5th grade (year 6) certainly didn’t help. However, I managed to swim through it, thanks to books, mainly Anne McCaffery’s Pern series. It’s also when I first began jotting down stories. Mostly these are hidden away in notebooks that I’ve managed to keep. Some were written for school and some just for me.

And now we get to the part of my life that’s too close for me to summarize. I remember too many details. Suffice to say I’ve bounced between different creative hobbies, but when my husband managed to salvage my writing from a hard drive crash AND I heard about this collaborative writing website from the creator himself, the whole being a writer thing has taken off.

So here I am, years later with my ultimate goal:

My 1st motorcycle camping trip 2001
Turn my writing into a second career so that when I retire from the day job, I won’t really be retired, but have a portable career that will supplement my retirement savings to allow me to give to the charities closest to my heart, spend quality time with family and travel (hopefully by motorcycle).

:} Cathryn Leigh / Elorithryn and sometimes Cayla {:


  1. *Charley and company nod in approval*
    We like this! A nice background to your life in general - Armed Forces Brats FTW! - and it's written very nicely, so we felt like we were being chatted to.

    .... I now feel schizophrenic for writing "we" xD

    1. Well you are an author, and 'we' know who your we is. :} My 'We' are going to get some pages about them soon...

      :} Cathryn

  2. You changed the title! I knew something was different... ha ha!

    1. Also the side bar is slightly different. I can put things side by side in the middle of it. :}

      Oh and clicked links are now purple. :}

  3. Replies
    1. What awesome houses! The one you grew up in reminds me of the little hosue we lived in in Canada for two years, back when I was a LOT younger. Though I think ours was a different shape ... the windows and the colour are very similar though .... *wanders off down memory lane* xP

    2. That's the house after it was bought and reshingled. It looked a lot more, erm, dingey when I lived in it. And there was a rot hole in front of the front door, ti was only thr rug that kept you from falling through. Sadly we didn't have the money or knowledge to upkeep the place. They did a great job renovating it...I almost wish I could have gone inside. :}

  4. Hello there! I keep seeing your comments on Miriam's and Charley's blogs, so I finally checked out yours! :D

    1. He he.

      Hi there.

      As you can tell I'm on your side of the pond. Nice to meet you. *grins*

  5. Mwahahaha! But not for long, if I achieve my world domination that starts with the UK/do go to uni there. xD
