My current project, Phoenix Triumphant came about though my participation in National Novel Writing Month. My first time and I managed to get down 53,551, but the draft wasn’t completed until the end of February with a final count of 95,792 words. Yes, I’ve kept track. Perhaps even scarier is the fact I’ve kept track of my editing ours too.
If you’ve clicked on the link you’ll see I’ve posted approximately 42 Protagonize chapters. I call them that because the Protagonize format is best suited for short chapters, so I try to keep their size between one and two pages. Still that’s a lot. I’m actually up to Chapter 57 in my editing, having managed to push past my latest stuck point. I get them now and again.
Finding time to write and edit can be hard. As my little description up there states I’ve got a husband, two kids, a career and other hobbies that need balancing with my writing. The hubby and I have a stay at home ‘date’ night on Friday’s once the kids are in bed. The kids require dinner and supervised bedtime, so I’m never free until 10 pm at the latest every night I’m home. The career keeps me occupied from 9 am till 5/5:30 pm, though thankfully, being mostly desk work, I’m not without my Protagonize (you’ll see this site come up a lot. It’s my writing life line and what keeps me motivated). Lastly, there are my other hobbies. They’ve pretty much take the back seat to writing.