Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Bull in the China

Now Mythbusters actually busted the whole bull in a china shop but that’s not stopping me. No Sir-ee...

Actually this topic came up via one of the other blogs I visit, Sierra Godfrey’s  and she proposed a wedding china blog fest, since lots of people made comments about their china when she remarked she’d seen hers on TV. Crazy I know, but it meant I didn’t have to think of a topic today.

I don’t know where our wedding china is right now, but I assure it’s safely packed away in the boxes it came in. But thanks to the internet, here’s a picture of it: Noritake’s Silver Palace pattern in platinum.  We’ve used our two place setting (two more than I thought we’d get) once; seriously.
It was Thanksgiving for two at the new Mullen household out in California. We’d used all of our vacation time for the wedding, none of our parents could come out and visit up, but that didn’t stop me from making a nice meal. We had Cornish Game Hens, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans amandine. It’s my apparently my go to fancy family meal as that’s what we had for our intimate Christmas dinner this past December (well as intimate as you can be when your kids are 34 and 6).

Anyway, I didn’t even want to put formal china on the list, but my fiancé (now hubby of course) insisted. He also insisted we get married in a real church and have a real wedding, when I would have been fine with a ceremony in the woods and a BBQ reception. He’s got an old fashioned streak, bless the man, and a goofy romantic one two *heart*. Sorry, where was I? Right I didn’t want formal china. I knew no one on my side of the family would buy it for us and I was used to using the everyday stuff for every, single, day.

Amazingly we did get two sets, from his Aunt, but that was it. So we had our romantic thanksgiving for two and then, well we haven’t used it since. It got packed up and moved twice. I’m not even sure I know where it is in the boxes that still haven’t been unpack. Not that it matters. I’m not using fine china for holidays until the kids get older. Then we’ll have to unpack one of the sets we’ve inherited from his grandparents.
Till then we’ve got our Pfaltzgraff, Rio dishes (place setting for twelve) that serve us well.

:} Cathryn Leigh

Oh and in other news...

I received my sighed copy of “Walter’s Purple Heart” by Catherine Ryan Hyde, which I’ll be reading this month (woot)

And that current first chapter of Sarah’s Phoenix is up on Saffina Desforge’s blog!


  1. MYTHBUSTERS! *fangirls* I LOVE them. So funny xD

    Nom nom nom, your food sounds so good .. I shall have to come over and sample it someday, hehehe! My mum only brings our best china out at Christmas, and when whe have lots of family over - especially if it's over a Sunday, when we'll all have a big family roast and stuff .... other than that it's the same chipped blue stuff we've been using for as long as I can remember - over seventeen years then! Wow, kids must be pretty destructive things - not that I'd know, I've only done it from the perspective OF one thus far,bahaha!

    1. Um... My mom still has the everyday dish wear from when I was growing up. I'm pretty sure she's had it since they were married back in 1972 or soemthing... Yeah fourty years. Wow. :} It masquerades as fine china sometimes.. but it's also a miz of different plates as peices had to be replaced.

      But it's not jsut the kids... I've chipped more plates than may kids so far (but we don't let them use real glasses yet...) :}

  2. First of all, your pattern is beautiful. Second, I love that you made a go of it and used it once. :)

    Third, isn't it funny about fancy weddings....I had to have the whole thing, too--and not just the ceremony but a FULL MASS ceremony in a Catholic church. Our wedding wasn't crazy or over the top--actually we had a great time--but looking back, I could have done with just a BBQ in the woods, too. Looking at photos of me in my huge dress does nothing for me now and the day was just a day...the marriage over the years has been far more wonderful and interesting!

    Thanks for being a good sport Cathryn and playing...I wished more people had!

    1. I just wish I knew where it was so I could send the kids to sleep over at the babysitters...

      Oh goodness full Mass? I think we would have died. Actually I think the ceremony was 15 minutes, but I was 30 minutes late. Live musician's for the ceremony was a wise investment... but I digress, I could probably do a whole post or two about our wedding. I loved planning it (yes I'm weird like that).

      Thanks for stopping by to play with me. Glad to have kept you company. :}

  3. So pretttyyyy! I love that china.

    I'm not married but somehow for some reason slightly beyond me my gran gifted me a china set when I moved into my flat it is SO FANCY I only ever use it when people visit because I am seriously not worthy of it. Hehe.


    1. Thanks. I have to say my husband does have good taste. After all he helped pick it out. :}

      I think it's awesome you have china even if you aren't married. It's totaly a guest/special occasion thing. Your Gran is either forward thinking, or hinting at something *giggles*

      thanks for stopping by!

      :} Cathryn
